Took the Whiskey to Woofstock today and he had a blast! Tons of vendors everywhere, freebies (you know how much I love freebies), dogs everywhere to meet. For a puppy this is huge! I loved the #purina experience, was really well put together. Loved the free goodies and toys, and everyone was so nice to Whiskey! #Petsmart was also giving out doggie ice cream with kibble sprinkles...too cute! Plus they had nice goodie bags. There was also a doggie fountain where all the dogs could splash around and get wet. Was great on a hot day!
The highlight of the day though would of when we ran into one of his litter mates from the rescue, his sister!! Same rescue, litter, everything. Seeing them recognize each other was amazing! Immediately they knew and just jumped into playing. We all exchanged info and planning on doing some puppy time together two they keep in touch... And in a greater twist, turns out the puppy mom is actually one of my cousins best friends...small world! Looking forward to keeping in touch.
When we got home from Woofstock, Whiskey had tons of goodies to go through he was actually overwhelmed. Now he's sleeping happily and just reflecting on a great day.