The Winter Blues...

The winter blues...its February, it's cold, dark by 6pm and you are in a down mood. If that sounds like you, you're not alone. Lately I have been feeling unmotivated and been trying to think of ways to get out of it. So came up with a couple ways to keep busy and turnaround my mood so as not to fall victim to the winter blues.

Here are a few thought starters, but would like this to be an expanding list so please add your thoughts and ideas on how you try and cope with the winter blues.

1. Expand your mind
Take a course or class in something that interests you. Having a regular commitment keeps you out and about and off the couch.

2. Take a vacation, mini or major.
Whether its a weekend in Niagara or a week in Cuba, get away for a change of scenary.

3. Get up and do something...around the house!
If you have been meaning to paint that room or check something off your reno to do list, get it done. nothing like the sense of accomplishment from completing tasks.

4. Have some friends over.
Have a game or movie at your house. serve some appetizers or do a potluck.

How do you get through the winter? Share your ideas and lets get through this winter in a good mood.

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